“At Sanders\Wingo, we help each brand determine their own value. We understand value is subjective and that the definition expands past “money.” Value can be potential, impact, growth, etc. Every brand has the ideas and drive to make an impact, all they’re missing is us. At Sanders\Wingo, when we look at our clients, we see more than just brands and figures. We see the people, the culture, the audience, and the STORY. Our job is to take those elements and use them to build a brand that is both authentic and impactful.”
““Services” sounds so transactional. We like to think of the brands we work with as friends and partners. In the end, they are doing as much for us as we do for them and we would hate to minimize the relationship to just a “project” or “job”. However, for the people who need a list to help figure exactly what kind of partnerships we make, here you go…”